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Charge controllers

Solar charge regulators - what do they do?

Photovoltaic modules (solar electric panels) generate a current with a much higher voltage than the battery voltage. If a module is left permanently connected to a battery, the voltage of the system may rise to a level above 15 V. Lead-acid batteries do not tolerate such a high voltage for long periods. A charge controller helps keeping the battery in a fully charged state without allowing an overcharge that might damage the battery.

Some charge controllers may have additional functions, like protecting the battery against deep discharge. A discharged lead-acid battery will rapidly acquire a sulphate deposit on the surface of its inside electrodes, which will diminish the capacity of the battery and its life.

Aurinco™ Bi3 solar charge controller

This compact charge controller offers bifunctional protection against surcharge as well as deep discharge for small 12 V solar systems with a charge current of max 3 A (Aurinco™ modules up to 50 W). Sealed electronics for marine use.

25.00 €
incl. VAT

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EP Solar dual battery solar charge controller with optional remote monitoring panel

Supports a double battery system. Select the optimal charge voltage and algorithm for your type of battery: traditional liquid acid, AGM or sealed gel. Choose priority between battery banks and the PWM algorithm frequency. 10A model supports combined Aurinco panels up to 150W, 20A model up to 300W.

Optional MeTer remote monitor is supplied with 33ft (10 m) Ethernet cable for mounting at a suitable station,. It displays the voltage, amps and amp-hours charged to each battery bank, the output of the solar panel in volts, amps and and amp-hours, charging temperature , charge division between battery banks as well as other information.

81.00 €

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Last update 30JUL2012
